Arnold Truyen


Arnold Truyen, Weert 1959 , studied at the Rheinisches Amt für Denkmahlpflege in Bonn where he specialized in the restoration of wall paintings. He then devoted himself to and specialized in the restoration of polychrome statues/objects at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels and in the studio of Eike Oelermann in Nuremberg.

Since 1987 he has been affiliated with the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg as a restorer of polychrome sculptures and painted objects. He is also responsible for the X-ray examination and X-ray photography department.

In addition, Arnold was involved in: the research into, the exhibition about and the creation of the catalog about the 15th century Maastricht carver Jan van Steffesweert. The international research into 15th and 16th century carvers from the Lower Rhine 1996 Suermondt Ludwig Museum in Aachen and the international research about the Master van Elsloo that was published in 2014 in: A masterly hand. Interdiciplinary research on the late medieval sculptor(s) Master of Elsloo in an international perspective.

He gives lectures at home and abroad on conservation, restoration and research of polychrome sculptures and painted objects. Among other things, he gave lectures on the subject of ‘History conservation and consolidation of wooden art objects’ for the International Congress on Wood Conservation Technology Norway from 2004 to 2012.

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About the lecture

The language of material.

The lecture is about the manufacture and use of materials on the so-called Nenkendorfer altar from the Bonnefantenmuseum. This on the basis of the materials available on the altar.

A collaboration of Castle Huis Bergh with:


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